Taking the Plunge

It has always been my dream. I have thought of selling muffins for a profit ever since I was 8 years old. I think it was the subliminal seduction of the Oprah show, that seemed to celebrate youth in business. In my limited sphere, muffins seemed like a big enough idea then.

Fast forward 18 years, a registered company, a resignation letter, and a lot of confidence (with the occasional bolt of fear), and I have decided that this girl likes to be on top.

It seems like all roads have led to this point. Here's to the journey, which has just now really begun.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Shifting Gears

I am now officially going through the very first "down period" since I set up shop. It has the potential to unnerve me and distract me from focusing on what is truly important but I will not let it.

The project I had earmarked to work on now has been postponed so I hve found myself with a lot of time and no project pressing me right up to it. So what do I do?

I have to learn how to work smart. I have to discipline myself to get into the habit of creating work not wait around to execute other people's ideas. Otherwise, all I am is a conduit, merely executing stuff on behalf of others who are brave enough to create.

Creation is where the money is. There is a lovely piece of land in the Blue Mountains waiting for me to come up with an idea good enough so that my name can be written on the land title. There are millions of dollars waiting to be directed to my bank account if only I come up with an idea worth it's worth in cash.

God gave us talents for us to invest and earn from. I need to be planting good stuff instead of sitting and looking on my lot and waiting for it to get bigger all on its own. It's the proverbial story of the talents.

So I am going into 1st gear... I am shifting down to increase compression to build the foundation to get off speedily. I am working with my brain and tapping the networks I have.

Who said business is not for creatives? To survive, one has to be nothing but creative (well balanced with some sound business sense).

1 comment:

Lesley-Ann Thompson said...

You got it right Kari! We need to create our own opportunities and hang in there even when things don't fall into a comfortable place.

Stay on course. You were born to be fabulous cuz.